I may be in my 30s, but that doesn’t mean I no longer have pimples. In fact, my skin is actually more problematic now than it ever was when I was a teenager or young adult. I think my hormones must be really out-of-whack, because there are times when my face has more mountains and valleys than the Rockies. Yep, just when you think you’re done with acne worries, life throws you yet another curveball. If there is a God, he sure has a sense-of-humor.
Recently, I had a really bad breakout; some of the zits were the biggest I had ever had before. I swear, a couple of them were the size of small planets! It got so bad that I didn’t want to leave my house, and that made me realize I had to do something about the situation.
I had already tried many of the usual drugstore brands, but the fact is I’m simply too old for that stuff. Products like Stridex and Clearasil dry out my face way too much and I’d actually rather have pimples than a dry, flaky face. One of my friends had suggested using tea tree oil and—it does work—but the smell is just awful. I’ve also been told to try Proactiv, but I really dislike buying stuff from infomercials because they always make you enroll in some program that sends you more product every few months. Plus, Jessica Simpson and Avril Lavinge endorse Proactiv, which makes me really not want to buy it.
Anyway, after developing so many huge zits that my face was beginning to resemble Rocky Dennis', I decided it was time to break out the good stuff. Previously, I had really good results with Bliss Spa’s Change Your Spots Acne Gel so I decided to use it again. Yes, at a price of $32, it is expensive, but a little goes a very long way, and it shrinks your zits quick! Most blemishes are gone within two days of using this product, though really large pimples may need one more day or two to completely vanish. This gel is also awesome because it helps to even out your skin tone and treats post blemish hyperpigmentation.
Two days after using the gel, my zits have shrunk to almost nothing, and my skin is looking and feeling so much better. I can now go out in public again and not worry about my complexion. The occasional pimple is not a big deal, but for the really bad breakouts, I highly recommend spending the extra bucks and buying this product. It zaps your zits, yet it’s terrific for adult skin. Remember, a little goes a long way and—even though it’s a small bottle—it will last you for months.