Well, it’s been a long time since I’ve blogged anything worthwhile. Then again, I question whether I have ever posted anything actually worthwhile on the Internet. Lol! Anyway, I’m much older now and no longer feel the need to have total strangers in my business. I also don’t need the adoration or approval from strangers online. The great thing about being in your 30s, is you finally feel comfortable in your own skin. I may not be the beautiful unique snowflake that I wished I was when I was younger, but I’m really ok with how I’ve turned out. Yeah, I wish I was thinner, but so does a million other people too, I’m sure.
I may not be able to post really personal stuff on my blog now, but there are still things I’d like to share and write about. I’m still trying to decide which direction I want to take this site, but I can guarantee there will be new content coming very shortly. I miss writing. I miss sharing pictures, too. It wasn’t until after my mom died that I realized much of what I used to share was mostly for her. It was my way of letting her know what I was up to, where I was going, etc. You can tell just by my online photo galleries when she died because the uploads basically stopped. I’ve shared some pictures since her passing, but nothing like I used to. And I sure don’t write blog entries almost every day now. My LiveJournal hasn’t been updated in almost a year, and I think I only had two entries in 2011.
Anyway, this site will be much fluffier than what I used to write online, but thems the breaks, kids. Times change and I’m much more secretive than I used to be. Older and wiser I am, and my business shall stay mine. Besides, there are too many evil bitches online and I’m not about to give them more ammo to mock me, etc.
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